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Fifty one

I celebrated my 51st year of birth on October 1st in one of my most favorite cities in the world.

I came across a post from a brilliant and enlightened artist from Montreal named Miss Me who pretty much sums up my thoughts about this event. This is an excerpt from her Instagram page:

“Aging is not lost youth, it's a new stage of opportunity and strength "- Betty Friedan.
Photo Credit: @miss_me_art

Photo Credit: @miss_me_art

"This last year, I've been thinking a lot about aging and aging for women in particular. As i see my grandmother age, my mother age, and myself as well, the conception of being in "our prime" in a woman's life seems so accepted. But that is just society's way of saying there is such a thing as being "past due". Because it is based on our physical appearance and the idea that a young "look" is somehow more beautiful. Of course, it is all bullshit. ALL. But it is up to all of us, women and men to destroy these fake ideas and celebrate true beauty, at EVERY age, and most of all, the beauty of wisdom. When we age, we don't "lose" anything. We gain wisdom, experiences, love, truths, moments, encounters, and opportunities to share."

Thank you @miss_me_art!

Check her out at http://www.miss-me-art.com/

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