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Women Who Inspire: Lisa Marie Farley

Women Who Inspire: Lisa Marie Farley

Osteopathy, Somatherapy and Somatraining

I met Lisa-Marie at the height of my health challenges. She was able to assess and address issues that other health professionals had not. I was impressed by her calm and confident presence and her ethics and dedication to her practice. 
Her vast and profound knowledge of the human body and how it works leaves me in awe every time. She is an incredible integrative healer who has helped me back on the path towards abundant health and who will undoubtedly become one of our great healers.

What do you do?

I am an entrepreneur, who organizes continuing education training for body workers, but I am also completing my studies in osteopathy. This isn’t where I started out. I used to be an international-level, competitive gymnast and as a result, I dealt with a lot of different health professionals to help manage my injuries. It was during this time, when I was 18 years old, that I met Guy Voyer, a French osteopath who inspired me with his philosophy and therapeutic approach. He eventually became my mentor.

What do you love about your job?

As an entrepreneur, I love everything about the learning environment; meeting new students who are eager to learn and seeing their faces light up when they learn something new. As an osteopath, I am amazed by the potential of the human body.

In your life and line of work, how do you define success?

Being able to share your passion, finding a balance between my health and the health of my business. I was recently listening to an inspirational talk that reminded me how we have to do our best, but without overdoing it. When you push too hard, you exhaust yourself and you (and your business) will inevitably go into a downward spiral. Being mindful of your own health ensures that you also have a happy, healthy and thriving business. And that answer applies to both of my roles!

In moments of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?

I do what’s necessary to bring myself back into the present moment—even if I have to do it multiple times a day. My head, like everyone else’s, is always getting distracted, but now I have the tools to bring my focus back. Specifically, meditation and working out enable me to de-escalate the drama in my head and concentrate more on my goals.

What/who inspires you?

So many people have been instrumental in teaching me how to downplay stress, how to redirect attention back to what’s important and how to become more aware. That is so key! When you know that something isn’t going well, you have to be aware of what’s actually happening and act accordingly. Some of those people are my mentor, Guy Voyer, of course, but also my parents, who were entrepreneurs as well.


The Olimpia Questionnaire

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being in the present moment. Being able to see the beauty of nature all around me and how fortunate we are in this life.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Being with my family!

What is your motto?

Always do your utmost and with an open heart.

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Women Who Inspire: Angela Minicucci