All tagged Inspiration

Women Who Inspire: Alyssa Brandone

The first time I met John Marcovecchio from Magil Construction, he spoke to me about a cause very dear to his heart: the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. He shared with me how a little girl that had been afflicted with leukemia helped change his life. Six months later, that little girl Alyssa Brandone, who is now a beautiful young woman walked into my office. She shared with me her inspiring journey back to health and her determination to give back. I’ve been a fan ever since.

Women Who Inspire: Nelly Hanna

“Sometimes you will meet a person and know immediately upon meeting them that they are a powerhouse! That is the feeling you get upon meeting Nelly. She is confident, professional efficient and kind. 

How can you not feel inspired by woman who owns an optometric clinic in Westmount, works in other clinics helping mostly children with their vision as well as doing volunteer work in schools with children in need where she does visual screening to detect early vision problems. I’m a fan!”

Women Who Inspire: Leyenda Lee

I heard of Soupson through my friend Mike Milano (owner and hairdresser of Fresh Salon). He told me knew of a great neighbourhood place that serves the best and freshest soups.

My first visit there left a lasting impression. As I was parking, I saw a woman in her seventies getting off a 79’ Yamaha motorcycle. She took off her helmet and along with the friendliest smile; I saw a head of shortly cropped hair full of rainbow colors! (I later learned that this was Leyenda’s mom). Leyenda has authentic eyes and a warm smile. I love her story: At a crossroad in her career, she went from being a Sales and Marketing director to opening her own restaurant serving homemade, daily soups. The restaurant/ grocery store is now a thriving and growing business in her community. 

My favourite Leyenda quote:  “I love the idea of feeding people real, comforting food, and this felt right.”

Women Who Inspire: Angela Minicucci

I first heard Angela speak at a social function about 6 years ago. I had never met her. She spoke flawlessly in three languages: Italian, French and English. It was a huge crowd and yet she managed to captivate everyone’s attention with her passionate conviction, eloquence, and poise. When I finally did meet her, I discovered a warm hearted, strong woman with sparkling eyes and a grounded and generous spirit. 

Women Who Inspire: Lisa Marie Farley

I met Lisa-Marie at the height of my health challenges. She was able to assess and address issues that other health professionals had not. I was impressed by her calm and confident presence and her ethics and dedication to her practice. 

Her vast and profound knowledge of the human body and how it works leaves me in awe every time. She is an incredible integrative healer who has helped me back on the path towards abundant health and who will undoubtedly become one of our great healers.