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Women Who Inspire: Introduction

Women Who Inspire: Introduction

I am excited to share with you our series entitled "Women Who Inspire" 

Growing up I had a very inspirational role model: my mom. Her resilience, her strength and her compassion were the blueprints to my own ethics, ambition, and drive.

Today, we have a duty to show young women that you don't have to be a Barbie doll or a person that lacks ethics or standards, to be successful. The women in this series are beautiful, empathetic and hard-working. They are deep thinkers who are blazing a trail in their respective industries. Their inspiring stories show that you can be successful by being exactly who you are.

I hope you enjoy their stories as much as we enjoyed sharing them with you.

Look out for our very first post in the series this Thursday!

Women Who Inspire: Jennifer Sierzant

Women Who Inspire: Jennifer Sierzant