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Women Who Inspire: Jennifer Sierzant

Women Who Inspire: Jennifer Sierzant

Naturopathic Practitioner and Health Mentor

“I met Jennifer while I was battling an unknown illness. Every avenue I had taken thus far had yielded zero results. When I walked into her office that first time, her way of being and her empathy finally gave me hope. In the darkest times of my journey back to health, she gave me the strength and hope to carry on. What she does is not well known right now, but in a few years, she’ll be recognized as a hero and as a pioneer in health and wellness."

What do you do?

I deal with people in crisis situations, people who have been through the allopathic medical community but with no results. I dig deep to decipher what condition people have and then I teach them how to heal their bodies naturally, to strengthen their bodies physically, emotionally and mentally. I had no mentors during my own health crisis and I swore that once I healed, I would help guide others who are walking the healing path.

What/who inspires you?

Animals, for how they use their intuition and because they don’t have egos. Also, entrepreneurial women like Olimpia very much inspire me, because it’s so much harder for women to work their way up in this world. When I see strong, determined women, I feel motivated and they teach me how to build my own business.

What advice would you give the next generation?

Learn to love yourselves first and foremost.

What are your future goals?

I love teaching people how to love themselves and seeing the results when they start to heal. I want to continue to teach people that there is an organic, healthy way to live, teach people how to connect to their bodies. Our environment is so toxic, so more than ever, we need to focus on leaving this world a kinder place. I always wanted the world to be a kinder place, but before my early 40s, I was never kind to myself, I didn’t know how to be. But when you’re kind to yourself, you can be kind to the world.


The Olimpia Questionnaire

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

I don't think there is perfect happiness. I think happiness and sadness are extremes. I believe in contentment in the sea of happiness and sadness. If you're content, you can ride the ups and downs with ease. Contentment comes when you accept what is. 

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Anywhere in nature or a good shoe sale.

What is your favourite quality in a friend?

Integrity and honesty. 

What makes you feel powerful?

Sleep, clean diet, exercise and facing fears.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Overcoming a 25-year anxiety and panic disorder.

What is your motto?

Be kind to all beings.


To learn more about Jennifer, visit her website at www.jennifersierzant.com.

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