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Women Who Inspire: Megan Verdone

Women Who Inspire: Megan Verdone

Co-Owner: Café Ferlucci 

“Megan is young and she’s already got so much of her life together. She opened her café while studying fashion design full time, which is amazing! She has this groovy retro style and street-wise vibe all wrapped up in a beautiful Italo-Canadian package.”

What do you do?

I am a barista and I manage Café Ferlucci with my cousin. While in my second year of studying fashion design, my cousin approached me for advice. He and his dad spent a lot of time going to Italian coffee bars and he wanted to recreate the experience they loved, but with a modern twist. I felt drawn to the project and this one night, we made a moodboard, to conceptualize the vibe, the colours… I became a part of it, it happened so organically. Within two months, the café opened and I was working full-time as a barista. It wasn't something that I planned… People like to hear that you’ve made a long-time dream come true, but this happened very naturally. When I want something, I’m head on, I want to make it work. For a year, I was spending 40 hours at school and 40 hours at work, but I didn't want to choose one or the other. In life, if you love something, you do it. If not, there’s no point.

What/who inspires you?

My parents inspire me, because they have always worked for what they wanted. I’ve always had a strong work ethic because my parents have a strong work ethic. Now I’m addicted to that feeling of “I did this” and “I earned this”.

What advice would you give the next generation?

Always make sure that what you’re doing is making you happy. Let the flow of life guide you. In school, they put it in your head that you need to plan, plan, plan, but when you’re in the developing stages of your life, so many things can come and change that path. You need to be open to the things that come into your life. Don't stick to your original plans so much that you miss out on opportunities.

What are your future goals?

My goal is always to check in with where I'm at and to make sure that it still makes me happy. And if it doesn't, to tweak it and make it something that enriches my life. I would like to enrich my business learning, because my cousin and I come from creative backgrounds. This café is still a baby, not even two years old, it needs to grow still and it needs to be nurtured. A living, breathing thing that will grow over time, like us!


The Olimpia questionnaire

 What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Perfect happiness is aimlessly driving around with the person you love, not really caring what time it is, breathing in fresh air after summer rain, walking into a room full of people you love, an impromptu date with yourself, walking into a place you’ve never been before, meeting a new friendly face, reaching a goal you’ve set for yourself, handing in a project, eating a dish you’ve never tried before… Simply enjoying the little things!

Where is your favourite place in the world?

I’ve had the opportunity to travel to many beautiful places, but my absolute favourite place in the world remains my family home in Caserta, Italy. Specifically, the terrace that hugs the side of the house, where the sun always hits the hardest and there’s a great view of the mountains. There’s always the sweetest smell in the air and the sound of turtledoves in the trees. 

What is your motto?

Go with the flow, roll with the punches, call it what you will! In life, there will always be an unexpected turn, fork in the road, whatever. You have to be prepared to change up plans and be on your way. If you get stuck every time there’s a roadblock, we’ll never get anywhere. It’s taken forever for me to learn this and I still have a long way to go, but all I know is that when you get too attached to a plan, the universe will show you just how unpredictable life can be.

To learn more about Café Ferlucci, visit the website at www.instagram.com/cafeferlucci

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