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Women Who Inspire - Liana Artinian

Women Who Inspire - Liana Artinian

Fashion entrepreneur & founder of Sunny Straws

Part of what I love so much about connecting with other entrepreneurs is listening to the stories of inspiring women who have overcome obstacles and adversity to get to where they are today. Fashion aficionado and lover of all things sustainable, this powerhouse proves how success is all about holding tight to your passions and learning how to say "YES"! Spotlight on the lovely Liana Artinian.

What do you do?

I have a fashion wholesale business. I am also the co-founder of Sunny Straws, a business committed to delivering ecofriendly, natural and sustainable products to individuals and businesses looking to make the transition from plastic to reusable straws.

How did you get into this role?

My father founded the fashion business and initiated me to the entrepreneurial life at a very young age. I’ve actually been travelling with him since I was about fourteen years old. From meetings in Asia to buying trips to Europe, he would take me whenever he could.  I then got my BSc in Psychology and my plan was to begin law school. The summer before my first semester, I started working at his business and taking on more responsibility. I got a lot more involved in the production side of the business, travelling more, attending meetings and that’s what kept me going.

Why did you choose work over school?

Well the deal was that I got my bachelor’s degree and then could decide what path to follow.  I’m someone who craves change, new experiences and travel.  I’ve also always had a very prominent creative side, and law school seemed restrictive to me at that point.  I also realized at a young age that negotiation and management came naturally to me and I guess I just embraced it.

How was Sunny Straws created?

In  the last five years, I had two children and decided to take a three-year hiatus to dedicate myself to them. During this time, I got into greening my environment and home. I’ve always been more of a minimalist, but when my children were born I became a lot more conscious of the products we use, minimizing waste and the impact our lifestyle has on our planet. When I eventually went back to work my brother and I created Sunny Straws as a passion project.  He has a background in e-comm and myself in production and marketing. We then started wholesaling and here we are two years later!


What/who inspires you?

I take my inspiration from a lot of people and places. I feel like everywhere you go, there is always a source of inspiration. I would say that my biggest role model must be my grandmother. She was one of the first women to drive and wear shorts in Egypt. She was a gold medal athlete, a real trailblazer! She never took no for an answer and never cared much about what anyone thought of her. She was the OG feminist, and I don’t even think she would have ever called herself that.  It was just who she was.

In moments of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?

I need to be alone and take a moment for introspection and meditation. Even if it is not actual sit-down meditation, it can be a walk, a hike or simply sitting at home in silence. I’m an introvert by nature so that’s definitely my comfort zone.

What characteristic do you most admire in other creative women?

Boldness. I love women who own it. I love women who just know who they are and put it out there. It inspires me to do the same.  You’re one of those people Olimpia!

What is your professional or personal motto?

"Say yes more" The second I start feeling fear, I begin exploring it, the “why” is something I lean into. Many of my greatest experiences happened because I was terrified but said yes anyway.

What is the best piece of business advice you’ve received when you were starting out?

It was right before my very first big interview for an executive position at a fashion company. I was sitting with my dad and I was extremely nervous. He looked at me and said, "You know more than you think you know. Say yes first and figure it out later."  I got the job.

Name the biggest overall lesson you've learned in running a business?

The ups aren’t final and the downs aren’t final. I guess I’ve learnt to ride the wave. Sometimes you’re going to be down and that’s ok, other times you’ll be up.  Wherever you stand, never take it as a finality.

You always seem to find the time to give back to the community. Where do you think this comes from?

My parents mostly.   I feel like the importance of giving back and helping others is a moral fiber that was instilled in me at a very young age. My mother is a teacher so a natural helper. Giving back was just a regular part of our upbringing.  I was always encouraged to speak up for injustice and taught that my voice mattered.

I also have a very soft spot for children and animal causes.  They’re vulnerable and deserve to have people fighting for them. I grew up riding, so my dream is to have a farm and turn it into an animal sanctuary.  I would have a ton of dogs if I could!

The Olimpia Questionnaire

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Right now, it’s a beach with my husband and my children. A trip to Italy or anywhere warm…

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Probably Paris and Shanghai.  I lived in Shanghai for 4 years and Paris for 6 months, so these cities hold a special place in my heart and still feel like home away from home.

What is your favourite drink?

I drink mainly water…but I do enjoy a glass of white wine or tequila from time to time.

What accessory can’t you live without?

The “L” necklace my grandparents gifted me for my high school graduation.  It rarely comes off!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My family.

What makes you feel powerful?


To learn more about Sunny Straws, please visit the website below. http://www.sunnystraws.com/


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