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Spring is here and so is My Little Red Suitcase!

Spring is here and so is My Little Red Suitcase!

A few years ago, the ritual spring cleaning of my closet saw me fill an entire red suitcase with clothing and accessories that I could no longer keep.  Though I could no longer make use of them, I longed for them to benefit others as they had me.  My hope years ago was for items to make their way across all the women in my life and to women that could truly benefit and appreciate them as I had.  Today, my hope remains the same.

And, this is how My Little Red Suitcase began its travels.

“We now know that the well-being of women determines the well-being of society”

~Gloria Steinem


Olimpia Testa

Women Who Inspire - Liana Artinian

Women Who Inspire - Liana Artinian

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day