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My Garden, A Playlist and Courage

My Garden, A Playlist and Courage

Hello everyone!

Summer came hot and quickly and here we are about to welcome August!

The pandemic has made everything seem to pass more quickly. One thing I have tried to do, is to be more still and more present. Working in my garden and being still every morning has certainly made a huge difference in my life. Every morning I start my day with my dog Tyson, in my garden, grounding myself, meditating and having my coffee amongst all my beautiful flowers, birds, bees and butterflies.

This quiet time allows me to step back and to help see things as they are. And it’s gently guided me to face a lot of things that are easily suppressed by this “super busy“ syndrome we are all subject to and if not careful, become addicted to. Many people live in chaos because they are too afraid to face the truth or the reality of things.

One of the things that has come up for me during the last few months is failure and learning how to forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made. I’ve been thinking a lot about failure and what it represents for me. I’ve taken some solid hits during the past few years and during the pandemic. It is sometimes difficult to be grateful for these hits and for failure. And to remember that life doesn’t happen to you - it happens for you.😊
I had to do some heavy emotional lifting to separate ego from failure. Doing so, helped me to be more kind to myself and to realize it takes so much courage to fail. Yes! Read that line again.😉 It really does!

I am grateful that I have had the courage to fail. And to rise up and always try again. I am also learning to not be affected by criticism from people (often and sadly, those closest to you) who have never failed or who have never attempted to run their own business or even have an inkling of what it takes to lead a team or a business - let alone while scaling up during a pandemic no less! This is for any entrepreneur who has started a business, failed or succeeded : do not give power to anyone who has never had a business, who hands out criticism but has no idea what it means to even start a business or let alone run a business.

I leave you with two things :
1- The road to success is often paved with failure - find the courage to fail and embrace everything that may come from it.😊
2- Our very fabulous and very groovy Italbec playlist which should be played loud, surrounded by TRUE friends and family and a heapful of good vibes! Tequila and Aperol Spritz optional.😉

Hope you are enjoying this fabulous summer!

I’m off to discover the open road ripe with infinite possibilities and new adventures whilst listening to our Italbec Aperitivo playlist of course!

See you around the bend.😉

Spotify link : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ZOB4KnMlvaUsjBZvMXoPW?si=0VjCn1unSu29ZiLOkteyAw&nd=1&fbclid=IwAR0BIJGbgV7Oj-omYMOFymRwjKQHe9C5G_QCxc0na0gu9IJyN9acpp6tsl4

Apple Music link : https://music.apple.com/ca/playlist/aperitivo-summer-2022/pl.u-9N9L8yWFak8M9g?fbclid=IwAR1--wgoEea9Ed-Uf4PX2p7Rk62qNMdA4BLIZtsPxKBWdkOYukoTbgledqw

La Serenissima : Un Sogno Che Diventa Realtà

La Serenissima : Un Sogno Che Diventa Realtà

Women Who Inspire - Amanda Lobasso

Women Who Inspire - Amanda Lobasso