Welcome to my blog! Come along with me on my journey of discovery!

She Who Dares Wins

She Who Dares Wins

It’s been awhile since I’ve written here. 

The past year has been filled with much change and challenges. 

Recovering from an illness, significant changes at work and an extensive IT implementation launched last year consumed much of my energy and time leaving me with very little time to do anything else . 

And  then Covid hit.

I won’t spend much time on this topic . I believe that we must face this head on with prudence, patience and as much grace as possible . We are in this together. 

What I will share, are a few lessons that are accompanying me as arrive at 54 : 

Everything ends up working out . Do the work.  Trust in the universe and in yourself. The trick is to act and to do , despite being afraid, despite going through scary and difficult moments . Get through it and I promise you some magical stuff happens. 

Let go of people and things that no longer serve you. It’s the hardest thing but also the best thing.

And finally take risks . Showing  your truest nature, your vulnerability in a world that wants you to follow the masses and tries so hard to be perfect, requires courage. To do so means risking being criticized and being hurt . Do it anyway.

Our ”Women Who Inspire” series is back! Look out for it in the coming weeks! 

Stay safe , stay healthy and keep shining! 




Women Who Inspire: Nadia Blouin

Women Who Inspire: Nadia Blouin