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Women Who Inspire - Vanessa Lipari

Women Who Inspire - Vanessa Lipari

Interior designer and President of Lipari Design

Establishing a woman-owned business in an overwhelmingly male-dominated industry comes with its own set of challenges. This girl with a larger-than-life personality succeeded with flying colours. With a strong passion for design and human relations, Vanessa Lipari shares her best pieces of career advice for maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

What do you do?

I am the founder of Lipari Design, an interior design firm that specializes in high-end residential and condominium projects. I also own a real estate company called Doors and I am currently working on starting a charitable foundation linked to the construction industry. It is safe to say that I am happily busy!

Can you tell us more about your foundation?

At the age of twelve, I already wanted to volunteer in Africa with local communities. I always knew I wanted to give back and help people who needed it the most. One day, one of my mentors who is also a good friend of mine, told me he wanted to start something of his own. He had the urge of creating something meaningful. I had found my calling! I cannot spill all the details just yet, but the purpose of this foundation is to create a solid networking community dedicated to giving back through our skills and expertise. One of our main goals is to build emergency shelters made with lead materials and accredited by the WELL Building Standard.

How did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

My father, who is in the construction industry, certainly influenced my career choices. I was installing countertops and polishing marble at a very young age! I guess seeing all these beautiful homes must have inspired me. At 16 years old, I started my own business called Les couleurs de Vanessa and began my entrepreneurial journey by selling my paintings to Bombardier.

I then decided to apply to the Interior Design program at Cégep Marie-Victorin. When I started working as a junior designer, I felt like I was not being paid for what I thought I deserved. I told myself I was going to find a way to change that! I worked as a real estate promoter and subcontractor for a few years and acquired the knowledge and experience I needed to be able to take on bigger projects on my own.

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What inspires you?

Travel and nature! I also love to hear about other people’s success stories, so I can learn through them. I am extremely curious and this personality trait has always helped me learn and grow as a person.

Who has inspired you the most in life?

Queen Elizabeth! Despite the fact that powerful men have surrounded her all her life, she has always stood her ground with so much class. She has definitely proven that no matter the generation, women are capable of anything. Working in a male-dominated industry, this speaks volumes to me!


In moments of self-doubt or adversity, what kept you going?

I always come back to my "why." I think about my reason for waking up in the morning and all the things I want to be remembered for.

What is the most important trait of the successful entrepreneur?

Focus. You always have to keep a clear vision of where you are going in order to keep your actions aligned with your goals.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My biggest achievement in life has to be the personal and professional growth that I have experienced through the process of building my own company. As an entrepreneur, you are going to be facing new challenges every single day, but overcoming them will make you a better and wiser!

What is your motto?

"Make it happen" is my personal motto. It is what keeps me on track and moving forward.

What was the biggest challenge you had to face in your career?

The biggest challenge I had to face is my own self. As an entrepreneur, it can be extremely difficult to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make, but the key to success is to move on and bring your "A" game no matter when or where.

What advice would you give the next generation?

Be a doer. Nothing falls from the sky! At the end of the day, it is 100% up to you to put in your best efforts in order to do great things.

What are the characteristics of a good leader?

Whether with employees or clients, the best leaders in life are completely transparent and honest in every single aspect of their work. They also have an impeccable mindset.

In your life and line of work, how do you define success?

Success is being proud of your achievements. Every time you achieve a goal you have set for yourself, celebrate it!

What is the biggest sacrifice you have made in your career?

My first years in business were very hard. At one point in my life, I struggled with my mortgage payments and lived on practically nothing. As an entrepreneur, taking risks is necessary and it often means sacrificing security and stability.

Can you name a woman who inspired you along the way?

I had the privilege of working with Diane Martin, who was the Vice President of Operations at Réseau Sélection. She helped grow the company from three to thousands of employees in only a few years! I found her so brilliant and inspiring that when I left the company, I told myself I had to find a way to keep working with her. When she retired, I asked her to become my mentor!

What was the best piece of business advice you were given?

Follow your instincts. They are a powerful guiding force. The more you will listen, the better your life will get.

The Olimpia Questionnaire

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Love. There is no greater purpose, no greater meaning in life! So put love in everything you do and spread it around to your family and friends.

What is your favourite place in the world?

Italy, Hawaii and Chili.

What is your favourite quality in a friend?


What makes you feel powerful?


What is your favourite thing to come home to after a long day at work?

A gin tonic and…taking my bra off!       

What are the top three things young entrepreneurs should consider before starting a business?

1. Learn from your mistakes and embrace them.
2. Be a doer.
3. Trust your instincts.

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?

Absolutely nothing. Life has shown me that everything I had to go through was to keep me aligned with my own personal and professional paths.

What is the biggest challenge women face in construction?

Working in a male-dominated industry can definitely take a toll on your personal life. It can be extremely intimidating for your partner to know that you are surrounded by men all day. Some of them may also feel threatened by female leaders. It is up to you to break the barriers to make yourself heard!

To learn more about Vanessa Lipari, please visit the website below.


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