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Women Who Inspire - Kim Bruneau

Women Who Inspire - Kim Bruneau

Co-founder at L’Espace Projets

Kim is not your typical girl next door. This highly accomplished and motivated real estate professional does not do things in half measures and will not take "no" for an answer. Yet, she always wears her heart on her sleeve! Curious to know what happens when you allow your passion to become your purpose? Read on (and take notes)!

What do you do?

I am a residential real estate broker that specializes in new construction developments with a background in interior design and communications. I also manage my rental properties, invest in different startup, am a painter, a model and philanthropist. I run an animal charity foundation called The Beauties and the Beasts. Our mission is to help and support as many rescue organizations as we can, so animals can live in healthy conditions, free of cruelty and suffering. Our favourite beneficiaries are Nymous: a wildlife sanctuary that rehabilitates wildlife animals, Mission Passion Compassion: an eco-friendly veterinary hospital and Les chiens Togo: a foundation dedicated to giving abandoned dogs a second chance by training them to become psychological service dogs. I am also involved with other charities for sick kids, women in need and to fight against homelessness, prostitution and delinquency with teens and young adults.


What do you consider your greatest achievement?


My capacity to give back despite my troubled past. My father was an alcoholic so I was raised by my mother who had to hold the fort alone. At 12 years old, I rebelled and started doing drugs. I was expelled from three different schools, ran away, worked in bars, got DUIs and got in trouble more than one ever should. I cannot count how many times I was bullied and betrayed, but I have never let my past kill my kindness. Instead, I decided to turn my anger into positive energy and focus on my career and my foundation. The minute that I felt like I was in a good place, I knew it was time to give back. I wanted to be able to help others the way I wished people helped me when I needed it the most.

Who inspires you?

My mother. I know most people would probably name celebrities or business moguls, but the thing that inspires me the most about people is their generosity, kindness and their ability to give back. My mother is the perfect equation of all of these things combined!

In your life and line of work, how do you define success?

Success is not measured by what you own, but by your ability to give back. I firmly believe that helping others contributes to your own success!

What characteristic do you most admire in other creative women?

I value women with a high level of self-confidence and drive who also exude kindness. I am a firm believer of women empowerment.


What advice would you give to someone just starting their career?

Trust the process, trust yourself and just go for it! Do not be afraid to take risks and make sure you change your perception of failure. I have personally never seen failure as a bad thing! A friend once told me, "You always fail forward". When you think about it, it is part of the whole learning process. Be humble and know when to ask for help.

What advice would you give the next generation?

Be ambitious and consistent. I feel like the younger generation easily jumps from one branch to another as soon as they start facing obstacles. The entrepreneur life comes with its load of challenges and the path from dream to success is a squiggly line!

Who has impacted you the most in your career?

I once had a boss who was equal parts strict and kind.  He supported me through thick and thin, but because of my strong personality, I was butting heads with him on a regular basis! I believe that everything that is worth doing encounters frictions. Important issues will always ignite strong emotions! One day, he came to me and said: "You know Kim, I would rather have a stallion that I have to hold back, than a donkey that I have to kick." I feel like this really encapsulates who I am today.

Name a fear or professional challenge that keeps you up at night

Whether it is the start of a construction project or planning a charity event, any new project will keep me up at night. Let’s put it this way, I am an ardent "overthinker" and a very light sleeper!

The Olimpia questionnaire

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

My current life. I would not change it for the world! Over the past 12 years, I have worked extremely hard both personally and professionally, to get where I am today.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Anywhere near an ocean! Warm weather makes me happier, but there is no place like home.


What makes you feel powerful?

My self-confidence. Being able to recognize my strengths, to believe in my abilities and to take risks are all elements that make me feel extremely proud of myself.

If you were given $100 million, would you run your business any differently? How so?

I would find ways to earn more passive income and slow down. As I am getting older, I value time and the importance to spend it with your loved ones.

In moments of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?

I am extremely resilient. I usually take the time I need to recognize, feel and live in mindful harmony with my feelings in order to regain my composure. I am extremely solution driven and not afraid to ask for help!

What would you tell yourself ten or twenty years ago that you wish you knew then?

Do not be so hard on yourself and do not beat yourself up over the mistakes you make…just learn from them!

 What was the best piece of business advice you were given when you were starting out?


The best piece of advice I was given was not to turn down offers because I was underqualified for the role. Instead, work ten times harder and show them they made the right choice!

In your opinion, what are the top three things someone should consider before starting a business?

1. Work on a solid business plan.
2. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or help.
3. Trust your instincts.

To learn more about Kim Bruneau’s charity foundation, please visit the website below :


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