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In Honour of International Women’s Day: An Interview with Founder Olimpia Testa

In Honour of International Women’s Day: An Interview with Founder Olimpia Testa

What does being a woman mean to you?

I grew up in a very traditional, old-school, Italian family. I’m very grateful for my upbringing as it is an integral part of who I am. It also summoned a lot of questioning during my formative years.I saw strong, intelligent women serving the men in our culture despite the women working just as hard as the men. I had one foot steeped in our traditions and the other stepping into a future where women were not only valued for their domestic capabilities but so much more. Growing up, I was torn between these two very different worlds thinking I had to choose one or the other. And like a lot of other women, I spent a long time not succumbing to believing that a woman’s only form of power was sexual and our identities defined by how attractive our bodies and faces are.

At 55, I know that I can choose to be an accomplished businesswoman that will happily cook for her man, choose her child above all and still get to do what is important to me. Being female today is about having choices that were not available to us not too long ago. The choice to be anything we choose to be with no shame or guilt which I still struggle with sometimes.

And despite the impossible and unreasonable beauty ideals society still puts on women, I see a tribe of fearless and brave women paving the way to healthier, realistic and more inclusive standards.

Even with the misogyny and patriarchy we still face daily,being female is kickass! Although I have been told this often thoughout my career : “Olimpia you are just like one of the boys !”. I have no desire to be “equal” to men. We are different and should celebrate our differences and strengths.

What are you most proud of? 

Being my son Domenico’s mamma! 

As well, my capacity to find a solution in the most challenging times and to do so with enthusiasm and conviction. This mindset has paved the way to many of the accomplishments that I am proud of.

Do you consider yourself to be a powerful woman?

I consider myself to be a woman of strength and most importantly, resilience. 

What would you share with young women today? 

To embrace your femininity and the gifts that come with being female. Like our super power: feminine intuition.

Too often the focus on “equality“ makes us forget how powerful we are from birthright. Children are divine and we are the sacred portals. How powerful is that?! We are the nurturers of the planet. AND we get to be anything we want to be! In the past, being female meant you had to live up to a certain rules and standards that our society dictated. 

Today being female embodies so much more than that. We are capable of changing the world and we are. 

Lastly and most importantly, I would tell young women to not settle. Not in your relationships, not in your friendships or your job. The two most important choices you will make that will affect your happiness most, are your life partner and your career. Choose wisely. And if you make a mistake, have the courage to start again.

What does female leadership represent to you ?

Women are team oriented, inclusive and collaborative. We bring different qualities and perspectives to leadership. Women are authentic, practical and capable of multitasking which is an incredible asset when running a company. We often associate power, success and accomplishment with being tough, cutthroat, and ruthless. I encourage everyone to challenge this mindset and lead with integrity, kindness and empathy. It takes incredible mental strength on tough days to maintain these values, but I promise you the reward and strength you will gain from this will be bountiful. 

Female leadership also means mentoring and paving the way for younger generations. Imparting your knowledge and sharing your experiences to help others rise to their full potential.

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

“Baby girl you are magic! Everything is within you. Keep going - you got this!“

And to always make time for yourself and exercise. 

What is a fact about you that would surprise others?

I love people and am very social and outgoing. I love the excitement and the beat of the city . But I also crave and need to be in nature and in solitude .There are moments where my body and spirit call out strongly for this and i will take off on impromptu road trips just to be by the water or forest .Growing up we lived in the city (Montreal) during the week and we would spend our weekends on my dad and uncle’s farm in Ontario. It was a great way to grow up.

What's Your Favourite Female Empowerment Anthem? 

Aretha’s “Respect”. Salt n Pepa s “It’s none of your business “. As of late, I’m really digging “I am woman “ by Emmy Meli.

What must you always have with you? 

Water, my prescription sunglasses, and Chapstick/lipgloss. With these 3- I’m ready to take on the world. 

Favorite drink?

Water, coffee, Chardonnay and Gin in that order. 

Favorite trait in a friend / partner? 

Loyalty and the capacity to see humour in almost all circumstance. 

What else do you want to share?

What I want to share is not only about women. The last two years the world as a whole, has seen so much tragedy, many challenges and so much division. My heart is heavy with all that is happening in the world today. What I hope for on International Woman’s day  is that we don’t let the differences we have continue to divide us. Be it gender, race, religion , vaccination status . Everyone is dependent on one another and consequently responsible for one another. Life depends on this conscious relation. Let us remember what is foremost in everyone which is our humanity. I dream of better days and hope that as a collective we can achieve that. 

Happy International Women’s Day !

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