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International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Today is a celebration of our feminine power and reminder to us of how far we have come, and how much further we must go. 

It is about all the brave, kickass and visionary women who  fought to make this world a better place by giving us more choice and freedom in our relationships, at home and at work. 

It is about women who have chosen to stay home to raise their children ( in my opinion-one of the most honorable choices a woman can make ) women who are chasing their dream career or women who choose to do both ! 

It is also a day to think about all the disparity  that many young girls and women still face around the world. 

It is up to all of us. It starts with the way we parent and the role models we offer young men and women.  It is about giving opportunity to all and leading the way for young men and women to collaborate and find a more tantamount way of existing.

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Today is also a great day to tell you 

“ Women Who Inspire” will be back. 

Look out for it in April ! 

Happy International Woman’s Day! 

Keep rising - keep shining !

Women Who Inspire: Alyssa Brandone

Women Who Inspire: Alyssa Brandone

Olimpia’s Delicious Pecans!

Olimpia’s Delicious Pecans!