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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

It’s Sunday morning . My favorite time of the day and week.

I’m taking a break from the work I must get done for the upcoming week and of course hit up my social media 😊. Having been immersed in my work, I’m struck with images of women objectifying themselves. Quote after inspirational quote of what it takes to “make it” juxtaposed with sexually suggestive poses and barely clad bodies.

This fills me with sadness. I grew up in an era and culture where a woman’s sexuality was suppressed and could not be openly and fully displayed for fear of being labelled a “slut”. I oscillate between admiration for these women that boldly claim their bodies and sensuality and then fear and judgement. The judgement, I must work on as it partially has to do with my upbringing.

The fear and sadness stems from questioning whether or not we are perpetuating the misogynistic and sexist belief that in order to succeed in the world a woman must have a pretty face and nice ass. Is it any better because we are now doing it ourselves ?

My experience has taught me you can post all the inspirational quotes and photos you want. Very few of us will succeed with this alone.

It takes hard work, perseverance, sacrifice and dedication to your craft.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please feel free to comment 😊

#sundaymorning #thisismysexy

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